Pastor John & Alba Romick will join AGC on Sun., June 27 for both our 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. services. Come hear the Word of God from these missionaries to Bogota, Columbia.
The Romicks have been full time missionaries in Latin America since September of 1984. Pastor John is the senior Pastor of Iglesia de Colombia (church of Colombia) and they are directors of RHEMA Colombia and RHEMA/CEBCO; an interdenominational Bible school with over 3,200 students currently enrolled throughout Colombia, Costa Rica and Argentina. They also oversee a ministerial association (IGLECAM), and a book publishing house (PCI).
Mission Colombia desires to touch people throughout Latin America with the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus. Pastor John's passion is to encourage and exhort the Body of Christ to reach out to a lost and dying world.They have three children, John David, Daniel, and Samuel.